What all started in 2002 as a collaboration with four European distributors is now a success story.

Our first POS system is engineered

4POS AG is formally founded

Our commitment to quality – ISO certification 9001:2008

EyePOS revolutionises the market

Migros opts for our KeyPOS

Aldi Nord and Deichmann are on board with 4POS

REWE Group chooses our 360° StorePlatform

SmartGATE SCO system is launched

Major rollout for Tchibo and Douglas

One of the world's largest retailers decides for 4POS systems and SCO

We are celebrating the 20th anniversary of the 4POS brand

Sale of shares to Pan Oston Holding
4POS remains independent based in Switzerland, Rolf Thomann remains CEO. Also on the Board of Directors and one of the shareholders of Pan Oston Holding.